Residential Life

The hostel facility at Pearls Academy campus is called Oyster. The Oyster residents are groomed to become self-motivated learners, responsible individuals, and self-sufficient human beings. They enjoy living in a nurturing and safe environment. We accommodate learners not only from India but from other countries too. This encourages a diverse community and a luxurious experience.








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Pearls offer on-campus housing for Boys aged 10-years and above. The residential facility is designed to help learners develop a healthy mind, body and soul. These facilities are extended to boys pursuing general courses with the foundation program, the senior secondary course with specialised coaching, and the hifz program along with the regular academics.

Boarding Facility

Oyster is a home away from home. Every dormitory is designed to meet an individual’s need. A smaller group size of five in each dormitory makes social and emotional relations much more reliable. A well equipped hygienic kitchen to provide round the clock dining facility. Recreational room, indoor and outdoor games facility, gymnasium and wellness centre, salah hall, reading areas are few other world-class facilities to promote wellness and comfort to the boarders.

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Tuck Shop

Procedures at the Oyster are crafted to comfort the boarders satisfying their essential needs and ensure their physical and mental well being. The boarders have a comfortable uniform for safety & easy identification. Exclusive stationery and tuck shops make it possible for the boarders to get access to their additional needs. Weekend visits to nearby local places give them a break from their regular routines.


Tarbiyah or Islamic upbringing is the core of our ideology. At Oyster, we aim to produce good humans who will lead the world towards a better tomorrow. A team of Islamic scholars and mentors help students to learn, practice and preach the various aspects of the deen. The emphasis is laid on making them responsible humans by understanding their rights and the rights of others around them.

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Pastoral Care

The boarders of Oyster are supervised and groomed in a homely atmosphere maintained by very affectionate dorm parents and caring wardens. We ensure that the intellectual, physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of the students are met and taken care.